Get Permission Lavanya, Premchand, and Raju: A study of stages and supplementary issues of Parkinson's in Parkinson disease and movement disorders


Parkinson disease (PD) or Parkinson`s disease, is a dangerous ghost to the old-aged, also is a frequent neurodegenerative disorder, which is resulting in extreme public and economic-burden plus its totally, and slowly yet progressively increasing (snowballing) occurrence.1 Parkinson`s and Parkinsonians typically have distress through implementing actions activities of daily living (ADL) also have inadequate bodily individuality and freedom because of anguish with motoric-symptoms/ (feature-manifestations), for instance, tremor, akinesia/bradykinesia, rigidity, postural instability, as well as freezing of gait (FoG).2 In the interim, frequently they experience non-motoric manifestations include few psychosocial-issues, like cognitive-depression (CD), cognitive dementia, cognitive impairment, dementia, memory problems, anxiety like nervousness/worry, stigma like dishonor, aggravation, irritation (aggression) plus worried of the potential future-prosect.3 Such non motoric features not just unenthusiastically influence Parkinson’s bodily results but they also leads to the compact family-relations, people, functioning, imperfect-of-social plus monetary action (activity and behavior), as well as turn down of decline of quality-of-life (QoL). 4 Therefore, for diseased, the Parkinson`s cognitive impairments, cognitive dementia, and memory on their bodily-physical as well as poignant (expressive, touching) health are considerable and extensive. Till as on to date there was no cure for Parkinson`s disease further than ahead of `symptomatic-relief` which slows the brain`s neurodegenerative process of the PDs, 5 therefore, the medical management as well as treatment of Parkinson`s disease should focus on better treatment outcomes, for instance, maintaining as well as progressing the PD patients related QoL by reducing the non motoric symptoms and also social participation and involvement level as well.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has tinted endorsing input in the people and public which is the decisive eventual objective of therapeutic-treatment in public through the chronic diseases in proportion with the commencement of the international classification-of-functioning, disability, and participation ICF.6 Input or social contribution is defined as participation in a life situation state of affairs and circumstances and covers an individual's knowledge-experience skill sets in life acts and activities plus societal-roles, for instance, socializing, amusement, work, activity, public-life, and spiritual practice. In addition, in study,7 authors mentioned the value of autonomy in the concept of “participation”, and that termed to further independence as well as individual accomplishment of execution roles more willingly than a standard usual-role execution/ or accomplishment. Self-sufficiency has been carefully measured and well-thought-out a basic prerequisite for effectual contribution and was explained as the capability to make choices, to experience, feel and also in control of what activities to connect in and in what way these activities can be accomplished”.8 The ideas and hypothesis of input plus autonomy(PA) are well connected. The impact on anticipation and autonomy questionnaire designated as IPAQ 9 was a consistent/reliable plus applicable tool for evaluating the-PA in neurodegenerative disorders and also able to capture the complete degree of input.

Even though Parkinson participants are regarded to agonize a weakening/flagging in their quality of life by several studies, 4 presently there are only few studies concentrating over on their-PA , thus, still there is incomplete thoughtful empathetic as well as sympathetic about the intricacy of the PA plus how care facilities can indorse it for Parkinson`s. Which is thus significant and sizable task to systematically comprehend the natures-of PA within the Parkinson`s and Parkinsonians and so investigate its inspiring and prompting factors, i.e., features with the intention of(with the aim of) accomplish applicable and successful intervention to aid the PD patients reintegrate into people`s humanity. To bridge the gap, this study researched the level-of PA in Bharat particularly in Parkinson`s and Parkinsonians plus showed its linked feature-factors. Apart from the goal feature-factors like sociodemographic attributes or entities like characteristics also disease-related physiological function universally investigated, this study focused supplementarily on few psycho-logical plus behavioral feature-factors, which includes pliability/(resilience), managing modes and community societal-support.

Psychological-resilience is the +Ve (positive) psychological entity or attribute, that can aid people to bend and detect and observe the successful rejoinder in testing environment, therefore it`s significant defensive and self-protective feature-factor within the neurodegenerative disease recovery and restoration. 10 Also, studies confirmed that community provision absolutely wedged on the quality of life of Parkinson’s suffering through the neurodegenerative disease.11 The observation of community assistance was testified which may be helpful in supporting PA of people following brain-stroke, 12 yet there is a denial of parallel reviews over PD subjects. Furthermore, therapeutic managing modes were derived as set of cognitive and behavioral strategies which the PD-patient utilized in dealing through their disease-exact demanding meet, 13 plus categorized into 3modes.

Hostility (i.e., conflict or confrontation) is generally considered positive and active compared with resignation and avoidance. Some study revealed that avoidance and resignation were associated with elevated levels of psychological distress in PD patients. 14 However, the effects of medical coping modes on PA in PD patients have not been extensively investigated, which is well worth further exploration. Getting down to brass-tacks, this study briefly aims to explain and give details of the level of PA amongst Parkinson’s also observe the impacts of central psychological and behavioral feature-factors and manifestations involving flexibility, managing and surviving approaches plus community-support over the PA. Subsequently, the study can suggest new-insights and visions in to PA of Parkinson`s as well as it can assist therapeutic specialists for classifying/detecting initial-risks of limited PA amongst the Parkinson disease subjects (PD) Parkinson and Parkinsonian patients, applying and executing the multimodal intervention to encourage PA as well as to achieve their reintegration restoration possible.

Materials and Methods


Subjects were recruited based on the following inclusion they were included validation of the diagnosis of Parkinson disease conferring to the normal set by MDSI, neurology, PD and motor disorders division/unit, and confirmed by the qualified neurologists,15 accepted to contribute within the study. Then the ‘exclusion-criteria’ was based on auxiliary Parkinson disease, Parkinsonism Plus syndromes, i.e., Parkinsonians, serious organs and periodical dysfunctions, breathing respirational respiration-failure/ respiratory issues, plus cancer-malignancy; cognitive dementia, cognitive impairment, dementia, depression, mental-deficiency, other psychiatric diseases and visual, aural, and/or verbal impairments. Over 30 variables above hypothetically connected through Parkinson`s PA, the least model-size were obligatory and approximately ~300 members as per the Kendall’s principle-of approximately~10 subjects per self-determining variable in the linear-regression analysis-technique. Further-more, to house or lodge for a 16% abrasion-rate, the test trial-size of the study was increased to 360subjects.

Acquisition of data

Written informed consent was taken from every subject and goal of the study through physical eye-to-eye contact (face-to-face) advice to verify voluntarily participating and through institute ethical committee was obtained as of everyone recruited in this study.


Some of the key variables acquired were, seeming involvement plus autonomy, strength/resilience, anxiety—depression, coping with medical management modes, social support, bodily-physical function also social-demographic as well as the disease-related characteristic-features and manifestations, age, sex, gender, married/unmarried, Academic-education, awareness of the disease, difficulties and problems of the disease, etc. (Table 1).

Table 1

Demography (n=326)


n (%)



179 (54.9)


147 (45.1)

Race/Ethics group

ethnic group

314 (96.3)


12 (3.7)



288 (88.3)

Not oncemmarried/Unglued/Split/ Widowed/(Dowager/Relict

38 (11.7)



63 (19.3)


116 (35.6)

Senior-High school-education

51 (15.6)

College/Degree/university, etc

96 (29.4)



22 (6.7)


304 (93.3)

Dwellinglayout/residence/home/apartment, etc


17 (5.2)

Alongside spouse

266 (81.6)

Beside others

43 (13.2)




Children/or others




Duration-of disease (years)







Newneurodegenerative disease


131 (40.2)


195 (59.8)

Family/history-of disease


17 (5.2)


309 (94.8)

Problems of disease


143 (43.9)


183 (56.1)

PD awareness

No comprehension (no comprehending)

33 (10.1)

Some comprehension

161 (49.4)

Good comprehension

132 (40.5)

H and Y stage


75 (23.0)


32 (9.8)


103 (31.6)


65 (19.9)


45 (13.8)


6 (1.8)

Impact on Participation and Autonomy (IPA)Questionnaire followed. 9, 16 The IPA-C was primarily applied in PD brain-stroke stayers and described Cronbach's α-values-of each domain amid 0.77-0.97plus a test and retest consistency or dependability amid 0.97plus 0.98. 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire (MCMQ), Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS) were most imperative.Hoehn and Yahr (H-Y)stagesystem - H-Y stage system has been used worldwide to evaluate the disease severity or stage of PD patients, 21 Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) - The UPDRS has been widely used to evaluate the severity of motor and nonmotor symptoms in patients with PDUPDRS stages I, II and III consist of 4, 13 plus 14items, correspondingly. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

Statistical analyses

Analyses were performed using the Mat Lab software offline tools as well as Smithsonian statistical tools. “Mean and standard-deviation”(SD) were applied to label the variables using normal-distribution,mode and median as well as quartiles were employed to label the variables through the nonnormal distribution. The percentages were used to label the ‘categorical-variables’. One-method analysis-of-variance (‘ANOVA’) tests were conducted to discoverthe transformation within the IPA amongst the conglomerates (groups) through the altered/ unique social-demographic plus disease-related feature-manifestations. Spear son’s correlation was done to experiment the linkages amid the scores designed for “IPA” as well as the scores for the smith Sonian (SS)followed by unified Parkinson disease rating scale (UPDRS)>5. Every test was two-sided, the statistical p-values <0.05 was the standard criterion and were contemplated and judged significantly and statistically meaningful. 29, 30 The multi-variate factor (factorial) stepwise LR linear-regressions through ‘p’ value of entry <0.01 plus ‘p’ value of removal <0.05 was supervised and also achieved to detect affecting considerations (or factors) over the IPA plus its every-domain. Prior to creating every model LR, collinearity findings were achieved, as well as variance inflation factors (‘VIF’) of main variables (i.e., independent) were <5, and hence no effective collinearity at all. 31, 32


Approximately~326patients with PD fully answered the questionnaire with a response rate of 95%. 45.1% were female. The mean (±SD) age of the patients was68.08±9.03 years old, ranging from 40 to 89 years. The mean age of PD onset was 62.05±9.80 years old, ranging from 33 to 66 years. The median duration of the disease of PD through quartiles was 5(3,9) years, extending/stretching as of 0to 34years. Almost patients (~82.1%) stayed together with their partners and 76.1% were mainly cared for by spouse (Table 1 ).

The factual/graphical-statistics of IPA scenario is given in the Table 1. The mean-of-IPA is 47.0(SD 21.80). In the link of their standardized-score, the elevated one is independent outdoors followed by family-role, autonomy-indoors, and social-relations, indicating a reversal order-of echelon within the ‘PA’ level. 30.0%, 26.1%, 12.2% and ~4% of the contestants registered modest ‘PA’ within the autonomy outdoors, family role, autonomy indoors, and social relations. These findings implied further rigorously limited ‘PA’ were uncovered in the domains-of autonomy outdoors and family-role. Overall, 9.9 %, 73.0%, 17.6% of the participants displayed lowly weak, reasonable and competent, i.e., good ‘PA’, correspondingly.

The univariate-statistical-technique analysis findings as per diseased-patients’ social-demographic and disease-related feature-characteristics are showed.

The scores for different variables are, namely age-group(p<0.01), level-of-education (p<0.05), income-monthly(p<0.01), status-of-work(p<0.01), living-arrangement(p<0.05) , caregivers(p<0.01), duration-of PD(p<0.01)), chronic disease (other p<0.05), complications-of PD(p<0.01), succeeding-consultation(p<0.05), PD-knowledge (p<0.01), plus H and Y stage (p<0.001). These variables were taken into account when a multiple model-LR of the scores for IPA was created.

The connections amongst the scores meant for the `IPA` followed by the key variables are explained. The `Social-support` was considerably linked to corresponding-IPA (r = -0.15 ~ -0.51,p<0.05, statistically significant), i.e., the robust social-support, the superior-level-of `PA`. As well as, flexibility, resilience/pliability are showed the similar linkage through-IPA (r = -0.35 ~ -0.49, p<0.001 statistically highly significant). Yet, extra grave feature-manifestations of anxiety, not as good as PA. Apart from that robust acceptance, and acquaintance of coping-styles, not as good as PA. These variables apart from melancholy/depression were also considered into explanation whilst a manifold model LR of the `IPA` was created.

Model LR (multiple) analyses-of influencing factors over the IPA are explained. The reproduction-model important and enlightened 64% of IPA (used to R2=0.64).The presentation over the on actions-of-regular livelihood evaluated through the UPDRS-stage- II score (β=0.35, p< 0.001 highly significant) had robust correlation with the IPA, afterward, subsequently drive or obstinacy (or tenacity) as the next robust-factor (β=-0.25,p< 0.001 highly significant statistically). Furthermore, H and Y stage (β= 0.19, p< 0.001 significant) plus accessibility-of-social support(β=-0.12,p=0.001 significant)were sturdy-factors. UPDRS-stage-II was the robust correlates of autonomy indoors (β=0.47,p< 0.001 significant statistically) also family-relations and relative-role (β=0.30,p< 0.001), whilst stubbornness (a domain of flexibility or pliability) was correlated strongly with the domains-of autonomy-outdoors(β=-0.24,p < 0.001) plus social contact(β=-0.35,p< 0.001). doggedness, insistence as well as force=strength was next robust-factor correlated through autonomy-indoors (β=-0.22,p< 0.001) plus family-role(β=-0.20,p< 0.001), correspondingly. H and Y-stage score was also robust-factor associated to autonomy-outdoors(β=0.23,p< 0.001) plus autonomy-indoors(β=0.21,p< 0.001). further more, accessibility of social-support(β=-0.21,p< 0.001) was second-robust factor correlated through the social-contacts as well as acquiescence and acceptance(β=0.14,p<0.01) is last and final.


The prime objective of the study was to disclose the level as well as feature-manifestations of PA amongst Parkinson’s and Parkinsonians as of Bharat. From this study, the mean-average score for IPA(46.7 SD 21.80), which was resembling the outcomes in the study of, 23 (mean-average=48.97,SD=16.93). Thus the Parkinson’s disease patients and Parkinsonian`s demonstrated the-lower middle-level PA. As well as the Parkinson diseased patients professed not as good as PA within the autonomy-outdoors plus relatives-role as in the autonomy-indoors as well as social-contacts. The limit in the autonomy-outdoors may be ascribed to PD patients cardinal motoric-symptoms. Few studies have indicated that cardinal motoric- symptoms, like tremor, shaking-pulsy, rigidity, Bradikinesia (akinesia), trembling, freezing-of-gait (FoG), and exacerbation as well as postural-instability of bodily-physical disability typically hindered the turnout of actions-outdoors of individuals through the Parkinson`s disease and diseased patents. 24

Additionally, apparently professed stigma like shame, disgrace, dishonor, etc., and societal cultural discomfiture as of bodily-physical-symptoms, for instance, postural instabilities, falls, tremors, difficulty in speech and gait, plus the PD patients’ changing the likeness changes made the subjects through Parkinson disease recoil as of the community. Additional limit in family-roles, relatives-role could be because of the patient's incapability to the ADL and family and close relatives’ caregivers extreme defense, taking several errands like responsibilities-of a Parkinson`s, that unbreakable the patient's individuality as a enduring to leant and destabilized their relatives-roles. 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

In a study, 29 they detected that societal -support had a particular role in promoting the social inclusion and work engagement of PD patients, which subsequently contributed to the maintenance of their life satisfaction despite the limitations imposed by their conditions. Thus, the social support plays a significant role in progressing the social well-being of individuals with Parkinson`s disease and Parkinsonism`s Parkinsonians. Extraordinarily, the accessibility and ease of use of social support demonstrated robust collision over the PA than subjective social-support plus objective social-support in our findings of factorial-analyses (i.e., multiple factor).

Most of the time Parkinson`s are worried about being a lumber, saddle, burden, encumber, yoke, encumbrance knowledge community leaving plus show a unwillingness due to unenthusiasm to be with friends, relatives, partake in activities 30, hence they can frequently unwilling to get aid plus have deprived insight of social-support. Thus, it is obvious that not just complete social support must be facilitated, and then also their insight as well as accessibility-of such maintain must be better to progress their level of P A.

The outcome shows that recognition acceptance-of coping-styles was absolutely connected through the total-of IPA also its every-domain, i.e.,, the robust recognition-acquiescence of coping-styles, the lesser the level-of PA, and factorial-analysis complex analyses also showed that acceptance resignation is a sturdy-factor impacting over total of IPA as well as social-relations. The results cohere through to the earlier investigations in stroke-patients. 25 Few investigations found that Parkinson`s frequently implement unenthusiastic and unconstructive coping-styles, for instance, evasion, or acceptance –resignation. 14, 31 Healthcare professionals must facilitate learning or information data for PD subject’s regularly n regard to care, assist them resolve their issues, give confidence in them to face life and illness with a positive attitude, plus improve their coping-skills and also place the base for lessening social segregation as well as civilizing humanizing the PA levels. 24, 25, 26, 32


We conclude that, the mean-average level-of PA amongst Parkinson`s was minor middle, which was exaggerated through a variety-of-factors, plus bodily-physical functioning, psycho logical pliability as well as social-support were the robust-factors. After the observation of supporting Parkinson`s and Parkinsonian patients’ PA, therapeutic-recovery for bodily-physical purpose is truly significant, afterwards psychological confrontation as well as ‘social-support’ to absolutely influence the PA levels/or stages. Consequently, medical-management staff can apply various methods/techniques for instance, family-based attention, imparting training to diseased subject, plus multi-modal reintegration and restoration interventions to assist the Parkinson`s progress their day-to-day activities, stand-in flexibility and pliability, use the community-support, decrease harmful and undesirable feelings and sentiments, improve the adaptive capabilities and skills as well, plus encourage and sponsor community social involvement.

Source of Funding


Conflict of Interest



Authors thank all the study participants with PD and the support of their caregivers and the health workers of the Department of Neurology who fully support us to conduct this study.



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