In India because of increasing modern and high speed vehicles, there is a high incidence of road traffic accidents and there is high prevalence of head injury in western Uttar Pradesh which is a semi urban part of India. Road conditions in some parts are good and in some parts are very bad. Road maintenance departments are not up to the mark in all parts of the state. It is estimated that nearly 1.5 to 2 million persons are injured and 1 million succumb to death every year in India. Road traffic injuries are the leading cause (60%) of TBIs followed by falls (20%-25%) and violence (10%). Alcohol involvement is known to be present among 15%-20% of TBIs at the time of injury. In severe head injury cases the ambulance services and pre hospital care is not up to the mark everywhere i.e. Golden hour management is not available in all cases and is responsible for high mortality. Although things are improving day by day but till date it is not of state of art level. In India, 1 out of 6 trauma victims die, while in the United States this figure is 1 out of 200.TBIs are a leading cause of morbidity, mortality, disability and socioeconomic losses in India and other developing countries. India and other developing countries face the major challenges of prevention, pre-hospital care and rehabilitation in their rapidly changing environments to reduce the burden of TBIs this is the aim to describe the hospital based clinical and demographic data This analyses the differences in severity and in short- and long-term outcome of TBIs with different causes that could help to make policies and recommendation to improve the care of head injury patients in developing areas of India.
Materials and Methods
This study was conducted at Neurosurgery department LLRM Medical college Meerut, CNS Hospital (Neuro super speciality hospital, Meerut) and nearby hospitals of Meerut city. The patients admitted in emergency of SVBP Hospital and transferred to neurosurgery for treatment after FAST (focused assessment sonography for trauma) from January 2019 to December 2019 are included and studying demographic profiles, injury details and outcomes of these patients. The study tools were predesigned and pretested questionnaires. The situational detailed analysis of all the study participants was recorded in a pretested semi-structured data collection tools that included socio demographic profile (age, gender, occupation, and location), details of injury(injury mechanism, place of injury, and alcohol intake), precise clinical features including GCS score on admission, pupillary reflexes, hemodynamic variables, and CT findings. All the patients of head injury in the age group of 1.5 -80 years had registered themselves in emergency and were admitted to LLRM Medical College Hospital and nearby private hospitals. Exclusion criteria are the patients not giving consent to be a part of study, patients who were immediately referred to higher centre, patients who were brought dead. Pre hospital treatment history was taken from the attendant by questionnaire. Before reaching the Hospital (level -III Hospital) what type of neuro care patients had received, whether patients got golden hour management or not.
The severity category was based on an assessment of patient consciousness on arrival to the emergency department, using the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) to categorise, as is the practice in the emergency department.
GCS 13-15 was regarded as mild head injury
GCS 9-12 as moderate head injury
GCS <8 as severe head injury.
All patients were primarily assessed by general surgery and emergency residents. Blood investigations and CT scan head were done in all patients of head injury. The results of CT were considered abnormal if there were signs of any one of acute traumatic injury (haemorrhage, oedema, and skull fracture) than patients transferred to neurosurgery department. CT showing only extracranial injury was not considered for study. A complication was defined as deterioration due to head injury that necessitated neurological interventions, medical treatment, or intensive care. The outcome of the patients at discharge was categorized according to G O S. The Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) was first published in 1975 by Bryan Jennett and Michael Bond. The original GOS and the subsequently developed extended GOS (GOSE) are recommended by several national bodies as the outcome measure for major trauma and for head injury. The enduring appeal of the GOS is linked to its simplicity, short administration time, reliability and validity, stability, flexibility of administration (face-to-face, over the telephone and by post), cost-free availability and ease of access. These benefits apply to other derivatives of the scale, including the Glasgow Outcome at Discharge Scale (GODS) and the GOS paediatric revision. The GOS was devised to provide an overview of outcome and to focus on social recovery. Since the initial development of the GOS, there has been an increasing focus on the multidimensional nature of outcome after head injury. The Glasgow Outcome Score applies to patients with brain damage allowing the objective assessment of their recovery in five categories. This allows a prediction of the long-term course of rehabilitation to return to work and everyday life.1
Death: Severe injury or death without recovery of consciousness
Persistent vegetative state: Severe damage with prolonged state of unresponsiveness and a lack of higher mental functions.
Severe disability: Severe injury with permanent need for help with daily living
Moderate disability: No need for assistance in everyday life, employment is possible but may require special equipment.
Low disability: Light damage with minor neurological and psychological deficits
Observation and Results
During the period 0f study from1st January 2019 to December2019, 986 admission were made to the emergency department of SVBP Hospital associated with LLRM Medical college, Meerut, and CNS Neuro speciality Hospital.
Sex distribution
Out of 986 male patients were 690 i.e.70% and female were296 i.e.30%as shown in Table 1.
Age distribution of head injury patients
The ages of the patients ranged from 1.5 year to 80 years. The median age was 27 years (32 years for males, 25 years for females). Children within the age range of 1.5 years to 5 years were 40 patients and age group 6-10 years of age where 161 patients were included. So total children were 201 in which male children were 131 and female were 70. So male children were more prone to head injury, the difference was significant. It was also observed that head injury due to fall from height is more common in winter months i.e. December, January and February because children and ladies bask in the sun on their terraces which usually do not have railings.
Table 2
Pre hospital treatment and duration
Pre hospital care and transportation of road traffic accident victims to hospitals have a significant impact on the outcome of head trauma. Transportation of the patients by unprofessional ill-trained staff in ill- equipped ambulances or in equipped ambulances may cause secondary central nervous system damage as compared to well trained emergency management staff in a well equipped ambulance by
Denying the patients the vital and badly needed urgent care, such as intubation, stop bleeding, replacement of blood loss and manage the shock may cause cerebral, ischemia, hypoxia and hypotension 1
Loosing and wasting time to reach the proper hospital, where neurosurgical or trauma units are available. Many patients died in cars while touring between non specialized hospitals where no neurosurgeon nor trauma surgeon nor Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds nor computed tomography-scan facilities are available
The concept of golden hours (which is definitely far <60 min) is simply lost with an unnecessary delay to provide urgent care and urgent neurosurgical intervention if needed. Such delay may be the cause of brain herniation due to failure to control the intracranial pressure (ICP)2, 3
The risk of permanent severe damage of cervical spinal cord is high
Table 3
In our study as shown in Table 3, there were about10.54% patients admitted to hospital less than 2hours have received tertiary care early. About 25.96% of patients reached to level III hospital from 2 to 6 hours while 29% reached between 6 hrs to24 hrs. These patients first went to PHC, CHC OR Level -I or II hospital. 19.97% patients were shifted between 1day to 3days period from private hospitals either due to financial issues or when patients' condition deteriorated. Around 9.43% of patients were shifted to our hospital between 3 day to 7 days due to the same reasons. About 5% of patients were shifted for terminal care only as there was no hope of improvement.
Table 4
The transportation of head injury patients to our hospital was mainly through private vehicles. In our study as shown in Table 4. About 64.60 % patients were transported through private vehicles like Cars, tempo, mini truck, and 27.38%Patients were shifted through ambulance with BLS but had no trained staff to manage patients during transportation. IT has been observed that about 30% patients deteriorated during transportation to tertiary care hospitals. About 10% of patients expired before reaching the hospital. Observations made by questionnaire from attendants whose patients expired before reaching to hospitals and considered as brought dead patients. Patients shifted from hospital to tertiary care hospital are usually transported through well equipped with ALS (advanced life support) and have trained para medical staff. So patients transported from primary site to first hospital i.e. Level I&II care hospitals usually don’t receive golden hour management. Hence the outcome of patients is affected. The current status of patient's transportation to the hospital, which has a direct impact on the deterioration of the patient's condition and increases the risk of mortality or severe morbidity is very disheartening. The study published [Asian J Neurosurg2018 Jul-Sep] revealed the failure of prehospital care in their country as none of the 830 patients, who are included in the study received any form of prehospital care and showed as well that 65.4% of these patients had been transported by what wrongly called ambulances! While 33.1 were transported by private vehicles. Transportation of the patients by nonprofessional unequipped and untrained emergency medical services (EMS) staff may cause secondary central nervous system damage. {Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Jul-Sep; 13(3): 955–956.}.2
Table 5
In our study as shown in Table 5. The most common cause of head injury was RTA (Road traffic accident) i.e. 48.37%. Male were more than females. The second most common cause was fall from height, in this group children were affected i.e. about 29%. About 19.07 % were due to physical assault, firearm injury were1.11%. Other causes like sport injury, domestic causes were about2.43%. Road conditions and driver’s temperament are also responsible for increased RTA. Dangerous road conditions may be the result of natural events, such as tropical rains and flooding, that make driving unsafe. Dangerous conditions can also arise from the poor physical condition of a road and its surroundings. While driver errors such as speeding, distracted driving and drunk driving are among the leading causes of automobile accidents in most parts of India, the dangerous road conditions are also a significant contributor. There are few of the unsafe road conditions that can lead to a vehicular accidents i.e. Cracks and potholes that can cause a driver to lose control of the vehicle; Signs that have fallen or can’t be seen because of overgrown foliage; Faded paint markings that are invisible from the driver’s seat; Inadequate guardrails on curves and overpasses; Lack of rumble strips on freeways; Poor traffic control in construction zones; Placing construction materials and utility poles in a way that obstructs a driver’s vision.
Use of Helmet in two wheelers and head injury
Helmets reduce the incidence of head trauma in low-speed accidents, at moderate and high speeds their sole function is to prevent brain matter from being spread over the highway. There is a classic line that goes, “Buy your son a motorcycle for his last birthday” This, in a way, summarizes motorcycle accidents. The motorcycle, by its design, is intrinsically dangerous. An accident that might result in minor injuries with an automobile can result in death with a motorcycle. Approximately 6% of all traffic fatalities involve motorcycles. In accidents involving automobiles, the most dangerous thing that can happen to an individual is to be ejected from the vehicle. Motorcycles involved in accidents always eject their operators or passengers. Individuals dying in motorcycle accidents typically die of either head or neck injuries, with the former more common.4 In our study 160 /477 RTA cases were with two wheelers. Analysis was done from history and questionnaire from attendants. Helmet use was found in 23.75% cases.
Severity of head injury
Traumatic brain injury severity is commonly described as mild, moderate, or severe. Injury severity is traditionally based on duration of loss of consciousness and/or coma rating scale or score, post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), and brain imaging results. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a tool for measuring the degree of unconsciousness and is thus a useful tool for determining the severity of the injury. Mild, moderate, and severe TBI may be characterized as follows:
Classification of severity of TBI
Mild TBI
GCS between 15 to 13,Brief loss of consciousness, usually a few seconds or minutes, PTA(Post traumatic amnesia) for less than 1 hour of the TBI, Normal brain imaging results
Moderate TBI
GCS between 12-9, Loss of consciousness for 1 – 24 hours, PTA for 1 – 24 hours of the TBI, Abnormal brain imaging results.
Severe TBI
GCS below 8, Loss of consciousness or coma for more than 24 hours, PTA for more than 24 hours of the TBI, Abnormal brain imaging results.
In our study out of total 986 cases severe head injury cases were 510/986 i.e. 51.72%. moderate head injuries were 256/986i.e. 25.96%. and mild head injury cases were noted in 22.31%, i.e.220/986Cases.
Clinical presentation of head injury cases
Head injuries include both injuries to the brain and those to other parts of the head, such as the scalp and skull. Head injuries can be closed or open. A closed (non-missile) head injury is where the dura mater remains intact. The skull can be fractured, but not necessarily. A penetrating head injury occurs when an object pierces the skull and breaches the dura mater. Brain injuries may be diffuse, occurring over a wide area, or focal, located in a small, specific area. A head injury may cause skull fracture, which may or may not be associated with injury to the brain. Some patients may have linear or depressed skull fractures. If intracranial haemorrhage occurs, a hematoma within the skull can put pressure on the brain. Types of intracranial haemorrhage include subdural, subarachnoid, extradural, and intraparenchymal haematoma. Brain injury can occur at the site of impact, but can also be at the opposite side of the skull due to a contrecoup effect (the impact to the head can cause the brain to move within the skull, causing the brain to impact the interior of the skull opposite the head-impact). If the impact causes the head to move, the injury may be worsened, because the brain may ricochet inside the skull causing additional impacts, or the brain may stay relatively still (due to inertia) but be hit by the moving skull (both are contrecoup injuries).
In our study loss of consciousness (LOC), vomiting and bleeding from ENT are the common presentations. LOC present in about 79.72 % cases. vomiting was present in69.98% cases. Bleeding from ENT (Ears, Nose, Throats)were present in 32.555% cases .Patients gain consciousness commonly in mild and moderate head injury cases. Headache vertigo and decline cognitive function were noted frequently in such patients. Others sign and symptoms were shown in Table 8
Table 8
Head injury associated with poly Trauma
The management of a head injury patient with multiple other injuries presents one of the most challenging and difficult clinical scenarios in trauma critical care. This is, in part, due to the fact that the treatment of other injuries, such as orthopaedic, spine, and craniofacial fractures, has the potential for worsening the neurologic outcome. This potential worsening is not necessarily directly related to the primary repair or the timing of surgery, but more to the fact that additional surgery with potential blood loss and possible resultant hypotension or hypoxia can adversely affect an injured brain. A single episode of hypotension or hypoxia can adversely affect the outcome of all severities of head injury. Chest injury and abdominal injury, fractures of long bones are commonly seen in major road traffic our study about 34.78% patients have other injuries (polytrauma) along with head injury. Chest injury 8.82%and long bone fractures 12.77% were usually associated with bad outcomes in patients. Rest results of our study are shown in table no.9.
Table 9
CT scan finding analysis
CT Scan head was done in all the patients i.e.986, admitted in emergency as a case of head injury. In about 151 patients i.e.15.31% CT Scan was normal. Cerebral oedema was found in 531/986 i.e.53.85% In rest of the CT Scan the common lesions were SDH 233/986 i.e.23.63% and hemorrhagic contusion was in 160/986 i.e.16.22%.EDH was in 156/986 i.e. in15.82%.
Table 10
Outcome of head injury patients
The Glasgow Outcome Score applies to patients with brain damage allowing the objective assessment of their recovery in five categories. This allows a prediction of the long-term course of rehabilitation to return to work and everyday life.5
Table 11
Patients having normal CT scans were usually discharged after 24 hours in satisfactory conditions GCS 15/15. Overall in-hospital mortality was 44% (434/986 cases). 30% (328/986) died within one week of injury. About 8%(79/986) of minor and moderate head injury died and 36%(355/986) of severe head injured patients expired; Amongst those who survived 552/986 i.e.55.98%. About 394/986 i.e.40% had good outcomes (GOS 4 or 5), 10.34% i.e.102/986 were severely disabled (GOS 3) and 5.89% i.e.56/986 were vegetative (GOS 2).
This study showed that the patients of head injury deteriorated due to improper transportation by simple car or ill- equipped ambulance services and poor pre hospital care. It is evident in our study that the factors which affect the outcome of head injury patients are influenced by proper transportation of patients from the site of accidents and proper pre hospital care. This study further revealed that the failure of proper transportation and poor pre hospital care have a direct impact on deterioration of patients conditions and increase the risk of mortality and severe morbidity.