Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2018
Article Page : 215-219
spinal cord lipomas are rare benign tumours1,7,10,15 and mainly of 2 types. Those usually associated with the syndrome of spinal dysraphism,16,22 where these lesions communicate with subcutaneous lipomas through a defect in the posterior elements of the spine (such as spina bifida, lipomyelomeningocele, myelomeningocele, diastematomyelia, cutaneous lipoma, fistula, pilosity & klippel-Feil malformation) and those without spinal dysraphism.7
Spinal cord lipomas which are not associated with spinal dysraphism are even less frequent, accounting for 1% of spinal cord tumours.1,15,23 60% are localized intradurally& 40%, extradurally.5,9
Here we present a case of a 22 years male patient came to our hospital with h/o upper back pain, non- radiating type, localized to thoracic spine and his examination showed normal gait with mild spasticity in left lower limb, with no sensory or motor deficits. Rhomberg’s sign was mildly positive. Bilaterally reflexes were equal and normal, with left Babinski sign present.
MRI whole spine with plain and contrast showed T1 and T2 hyperintense lesion in dorsal spine extending from D4-D9 intradural intramedullary lesion suggestive of lipoma with no evidence of spinal dysraphism.
Patient was subjected for surgical excision and postoperatively patient recovered well with smptom free intervals.
Keywords: Intramedullary lipomas, Spinal cord lipomas, Spinal dyraphism, M.R.I spine.
How to cite : Shenoy R, Ichalakaranji R, Intramedullary lipoma without spinal dysraphism in an adult: A case report& review of literature. IP Indian J Neurosci 2018;4(4):215-219
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