Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2018
Article Page : 69-72
Introduction and Objectives: Painful ophthalmoplegia is a clinical syndrome due to various underlying causes. The objective of the study is to determine the underlying pathological entities responsible for this potentially fatal condition. Various primary headache syndromes, facial pain syndromes and post traumatic and postsurgical pain syndromes were ruled out clinically.
Materials and Methods: 107 patients satisfying our research definition of painful opthalmoplegia were enrolled in this study. The data was collected and analyzed systematically.
Results and Interpretation: The common etiological causes for painful ophthalmoplegia are idiopathic inflammation of orbit (22 patients /20.5%), Tolosa hunt syndrome (13 patients /11.21%) followed by orbital cellulitis (11 patients /10.28%) fungal granuloma and mononeuritis multiplex (10 patients each /9.34%) granulomatosis with polyangiitis and tuberculous granuloma (5patients each/4.67%).
Conclusions: most cases of painful opthalmoplegia are amenable to medical management provided an early and prompt diagnosis is made using appropriate diagnostic tools.
Keywords: Opthalmoplegia, Periorbital pain, Tolosa hunt syndrome, Superior orbital fissure, Cavernous sinus, Orbital apex, Fungal granuloma, Tuberculous granuloma.
How to cite : Kutty K K A K, Das S, Panicker J S, Sreedevi P., Painful ophthalmoplegia - a hospital based prospective observational study from south Kerala. IP Indian J Neurosci 2018;4(2):69-72
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