Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 88-91
Neurological conditions are the one where Rehabilitation place a major role because of its magnitude, manifestation and long term impact on the person and his/her family as whole. Neurological conditions pose great threat to public health as it contributes to 6% of the global burden of diseases effecting individuals functioning and resulting in long term disability.
Objectives: To assess the burden, coping and functionality of patients with neurological disability through standardized instruments and semi structured proforma to study socio demographic data and other illness related details.
Results: There were33 patients admitted to neuro rehabilitation ward, majority of them belong to low socio economic group, males were more than females, there was no rural and urban difference, female caregivers of patient had mean score of higher burden, lesser coping, and social support compare to male caregivers.
Keywords: Neurological Disability, Burden, Coping, Social support.
How to cite : Nirmala B P, Vranda M N, Burden, coping and functionality of the patients with neurological disability availing treatment at neuro rehabilitation ward. IP Indian J Neurosci 2017;3(3):88-91
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