Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 83-87
Introduction: Electroencephalogram [EEG] is one of the best and only device for epileptic seizures, which measures cerebral function. It is a convenient and relatively inexpensive way to demonstrate the physiological manifestations of abnormal neuronal excitability that underlie epilepsy.
Aim: To collect the common conditions of EEG data retrospectively and interpret the clinical findings in adult patients and children.
Materials and Method: Retrospective study, by collecting and reviewing 829 patients and their EEG reports in children and adult conducted at central research laboratory. Presenting clinical complaints were epilepsy, syncope, Headache, giddiness, viral brain infections, psychiatric conditions, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, global developmental delay. The EEG results were categorized as normal EEG and epileptiform discharges in all patients, while separate analysis was done in patients with epilepsy.
Results: Among 829 patients, Male predominance was noted in the study 473 [57.05%]. Maximum patients were in the age group between 0-5 years [39.04%]. The presenting complaints were epilepsy [82.62%] followed by syncope [4.34%], headache [3.25%], giddiness [3.01%]. EEG reports were found to be normal in 532 [64.17%] patients while epileptiform discharge was seen in 297 [32.82%] patients. The EEG reports of patients with epilepsy were found to be normal in 433 [63.1%] and abnormal with epileptiform discharges in 252 [36.78%] of patients.
Conclusion: Majority of cases are with epilepsy where EEG is performed to diagnose the condition. In addition, EEG is done among younger age groups especially children below 10 years of age. Other than epilepsy, EEG investigation is requested most commonly in symptoms like syncope and giddiness.
Keywords: Electroencephalogram, Epilepsy, Seizure
How to cite : Dwajani S, K.s. N, Sahajananda H, A retrospective study of Electroencephalographic (EEG) findings and its interpretation in Adults and children. IP Indian J Neurosci 2017;3(3):83-87
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