Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 44-49
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a commonly encountered problem in School aged Children. Recent studies have shown a significant improvement of symptoms with pharmacotherapy. We analyzed the effectiveness of Methyl phenidate and Atomoxetine in ADHD patients.
Objective: To compare the efficacy, tolerability and medication adherence of Methyl phenidate and Atomoxetine in Children with ADHD.
Study Design: Randomized controlled open label study in children aged 6-12 years with a diagnosis of ADHD as per DSM IV attending the Paediatric Neurology OPD of a Tertiary Care centre. Children were randomized to receive either Methyl phenidate or Atomoxetine for eight weeks. Baseline and post treatment (eight weeks) Attention Deficit/ Hyper Activity Disorder Rating Scale and the Clinical Global Impression Severity of Illness scales were compared between the two groups.
Results: There was significant improvement in ADHD symptoms with therapy. The mean reduction in the total Pre and post treatment ADHD RS score from baseline following drug therapy was 17.9 and 15.1 respectively in Methyl phenidate and Atomoxetine groups which was not statistically significant. 67.5% of children on Methyl phenidate showed significant improvement CGI scale compared to 60% on Atomoxetine. There was no significant difference between the groups. Both the drugs were well tolerated.
Keywords: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, Methyl phenidate, Atomoxetine, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder Rating scale, Clinical Global Impression of severity scale
How to cite : Sreedharan M, Kunju P M, Devadathan K, Bhagwat A, Janaki K N, Efficacy and tolerability of methyl phenidate and atomoxetine in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder –An open label randomized control trial from a tertiary care centre. IP Indian J Neurosci 2017;3(2):44-49
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