Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2016
Article Page : 77-80
Introduction: Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability. The awareness of stroke symptoms remains far from satisfactory amongst the general population. There is a significant delay in patients reaching first medical care inspite of thrombolysis therapy approved for last 18 years. Knowledge of this option is far from desirable amongst patients and their relatives. The study was conducted to know about awareness of stroke, its symptoms and treatment options in particular about thrombolysis.
Methods: 100 consecutive patients admitted to Government Medical College Kota were selected and asked questions about awareness of stroke, delay in arriving medical consultation, reasons for delay and therapeutic options available including thrombolysis by a preformed questionnaire proforma.
Result: 72 patients were males while 28 were females. Seventy one were having ischemic stroke and 29 were having hemorrhagic stroke. Forty five patients gave history themselves while in 55 percent, it was reported by attendants. Only 35% patients or informants perceived or came to know that patient had stroke/paralysis. There was a delay of mean 14.8 hrs(range 1 hr to 4 days) in attending first medical care. Lack of awareness about the symptoms of stroke was the reason for delay in 49%. In those who reached primary care within window period, lack of referral by primary physician was the major reason for delay with others being lack of transport facilities and lack of imaging facilities. Only 2 percent knew about the meaning of brain stroke and its difference from heart attack. Only 6% knew about the option of thrombolytic therapy. Forty one percent believed that they will recover while 59% did not know about the recovery or thought it is not treatable. Ninety percent had access to either print or electronic media.
Conclusion: Stroke awareness and awareness about treatment options is very poor amongst patients attending tertiary care centre. Study highlights need to involve electronic and print media and non-government organisations for increasing stroke awareness. Primary care physician and general practioners also need training regarding thrombolytic therapy and need for early referral of such patients to stroke centres.
Keywords: Awareness, Education, Stroke, Thrombolytic therapy
How to cite : Maheshwari D, Sardana V, Mohan S, Bhushan B, Moon P, Kamble S, Ojh P, Awareness about stroke symptoms and treatment options amongst stroke patients admitted to tertiary care stroke centre. IP Indian J Neurosci 2016;2(4):77-80
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