Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 158-164
Background: Intra operative micro electrode recording (micro electrode recording, MER) for targeting the sub thalamic nucleus and pallidal neurons signature patterns throughout the deep brain stimulation (DBS) is ON estimated for four years, within fifty-seven successive and uninterrupted advanced idiopathic Parkinson`s diseased (i-PD) conditions.
Materials and Methods: The sub thalamic nucleus deep brain simulation is done. Twenty-eight succeeding Parkinsonians, i.e., PD conditions through any (either) of the twenty-three patients with dystonia and five with PD, in whom, the inner section or wedge of global-pallidal (GP) was aimed or pursued. The method for DBS was a single-phase bi lateral stereo tactic with a mutual electrode for both micro recording plus macrostimulation. Five electrodes were embedded through burr-hole in an array, i.e., central, lateral, medial, anterior, also rearend/posterior site.
Results: Fifty percent of STN and fifty-seven percent of GP PDs were found. Also, sixty-four percent of STNMER motion/activity-movement, 61%GPi. Midpoint is also standard-deviation (SD) of greatest reference-point for STN(2.1±1.5mm), and GPi?0.5±1.2mm.
Conclusion: The microrecording enables/simplifies assortment of ultimate electrode-point within the sub thalamic nuclei global pallidus deep brain stimulators, plus examining activity-of-MER.
Keywords: Intraop microelectrode recording, Deep brain stimulation, Global pallidaa neurons, Sub thalamic nucleus, Parkinson`s disease, Parkinsonians, Micro recording
How to cite : Raju V R, Dee brain stimulation surgical procedure for sub thalamic nucleus and global pallidal neurons – A study with advanced microelectrode recording. IP Indian J Neurosci 2023;9(3):158-164
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Received : 24-07-2023
Accepted : 08-09-2023
Viewed: 709
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