Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2022
Article Page : 113-118
Background: Parkinson’s patients benefit from multisensory cues, therefore it is vital to determine which sensory cue is more effective on gait.
Design: A Case-Control study design with a correlational technique wherein the evaluation of the relationship of the variables between two different groups was performed (baseline & post-intervention).
Materials and Methods: The study consisted of 14 individuals with Group A (n=7) & Group B (n=7) using Random allocation by Chit Method. Group A (Rhythmic Auditory Cueing) with the help of metronomic cues given based on the subject’s initial cadence and progressed by 10% each week and Group B (Rhythmic Visual Cueing) with colorful stripes on the ground, the placement of which was changed each week. The duration of the study was 4 weeks (3 times each week), wherein the patients were made to walk on a 10m pathway. The outcome measures used were the crude method of gait analysis and the 10m Walk Test (at baseline and post-intervention).
Results: We conclude that both the group had improvements in their Spatio-temporal gait parameters, however, Group A had better results.
Conclusion: The clinical study takes us to the conclusion that the intervention of Rhythmic auditory cueing proves to be more effective in improving the patient’s stride length, cadence, and, step-width thus helping in improving the patient's walking pattern.
Keywords: Parkinson, shuffling gait, Auditory stimulation, Visual stimulation
How to cite : Naik K, Paldhikar S, Comparison of effect of rhythmic auditory cueing versus rhythmic visual cueing on gait abnormalities with gait parameters in Parkinson’s patients. IP Indian J Neurosci 2022;8(2):113-118
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Received : 28-03-2022
Accepted : 22-04-2022
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