Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 207-213
Overview: Diabetes mellitus is the leading cause for peripheral neuropathy in India. It is a devastating complication which leads to amputation of limbs affecting the physical and social quality of life. Subclinical peripheral neuropathy is one which doesn’t have any symptoms or signs, but positive electrophysiological findings.
Aims: 1): To estimate the prevalence of subclinical peripheral neuropathy and its types among the diabetes mellitus patients. 2): To determine the various risk factors influencing them.
Materials and Methods: 51 patients with diabetes mellitus without symptoms and signs of peripheral neuropathy were selected based on inclusion criteria and after assessing the screening scores. Necessary blood investigations was done and nerve conduction test was carried out in both upper and lower limbs for motor and sensory study.
Results: 22(43%) out of the 51 diabetic patients had subclinical peripheral neuropathy. Lower limb(29.5%) predmominates than upper limb, sensory(23.5%) more common than motor neuropathy. Axonal neuropathy was the predominant (29%). Statistical significance was observed between the duration of diabetes mellitus, high triglyceride levels, high blood sugar profile and high HbA1C values with the presence of subclinical peripheral neuropathy.
Conclusion: Nerve conduction study is the best for diagnosing subclinical neuropathy in diabetes mellitus patients. By early diagnosis and control of diabetes we can prevent dreadful complications.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Electrophysiological study, Peripheral neuropathy, Subclinical neuropathy
How to cite : Louis Ferdin Zeno. J, Sankar.m.k U , Susvirkar A, Arikrishnan T, I.s.s S , Electrophysiological estimation of subclinical neuropathy and its types in diabetes mellitus patients. IP Indian J Neurosci 2021;7(3):207-213
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Received : 23-08-2021
Accepted : 31-08-2021
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