Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 164-170
Deep brain stimulator (DBS) is effectual in plummeting basic fundamental motoric-feature manifestations (i.e., signs and symptoms or syndromes) in Parkinson disease (PD). Yet, a scientific-objective method for quantifying its value is underprovided. We present a machine learning based unsupervised mathematical latent variate factorial (or factor) statistical signal processing based principal component analysis (PCA) tracking cluster method for computing the outcome of induced brain stimuli deep into PD by exploiting electromyography(EMG) and acceleration guages. We extrapolated10 parameters capturing PD characteristic micro recording(MER)signal features of sub thalamic nucleus (STN) neurons were captured from iso metric EMG and acceleration gatherings also from normal-controls(healthy). Computational results showed that signal characteristics of 12PDs were akin to healthy controls with D B S “STIMULATOR-ON” than with D B S “STIMULATOR-OFF” which signify that the method can be applied to objectively quantify the outcomes of D B S”STIMULATOR-ON” the neuro muscular function of Parkinson`s. More study recommended estimating quantifiable sensitivity of the way to dissimilar forms of Parkinson`s.
Keywords: Deep brain stimulator (DBS), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Parkinson’s disease (PD).
How to cite : Raju V R, Lavanya N, Computational intelligence in subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: Machine learning unsupervised PCA tracking method and clustering techniques for Parkinson`s. IP Indian J Neurosci 2021;7(2):164-170
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Received : 12-04-2021
Accepted : 01-05-2021
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