Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 116-123
In India because of increasing modern and high speed vehicles, there is high incidence of road traffic accident and there is high prevalence of head injury in western Uttar Pradesh which is semi urban part of India. Road conditions are in some parts good and in some parts very bed. Road maintenance departments are not up to the mark in all parts of state. It is estimated that nearly 1.5 to 2 million persons are injured and 1 million succumb to death every year in India. Road traffic injuries are the leading cause (60%) of TBIs followed by falls (20%-25%) and violence (10%). Alcohol involvement is known to be present among 15%-20% of TBIs at the time of injury. In severe head injury cases the ambulance services and pre hospital care is not up to the mark everywhere i.e. Golden hour management is not available in all cases and is responsible for high mortality. Although things are improving day by day but till date it is not of state of art level. In India, 1 out of 6 trauma victims die, while in the United States this figure is 1 out of 200.TBIs are a leading cause of morbidity, mortality, disability and socioeconomic losses in India and other developing countries. India and other developing countries face the major challenges of prevention, pre-hospital care and rehabilitation in their rapidly changing environments to reduce the burden of TBIs this is the aim to describe the hospital based clinical and demographic data This analyses the differences in severity and in short- and long-term outcome of TBIs with different causes that could help to make policies and recommendation to improve the care of head injury patients in developing areas of India.
Keywords: Demographic and Clinical Profile, Head Injury.
How to cite : Sharma S, Deshwal Y, Demographic and clinical profile of head injury in Western Uttar Pradesh-A study at SVBP hospital Meerut. IP Indian J Neurosci 2020;6(2):116-123
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