Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 35-40
Aim: This study found that the effectiveness of yoga in decreasing depression and improve the quality of
life among the people practicing yoga.
Materials and Methods: In the total study population, vouleenters categorized into control (N=30) and
study group (N=30). We evaluate Depression and quality of life using standard methods. Finally, we
analyzed results before and after yoga intervention at the end of one month. Data were analyzed statistically
to compare the score between control and study group.
Results: Results revealed a decrease in depression and improved quality of life significantly (p<0> the study group compared to control group.
Conclusion: In conclusion, Yoga was an alternative approach to control all the psychological problems.
Keywords: Quality of life, Yoga, Depression.
How to cite : Krishna C V, Das P K, Yoga and mental health: A controlled study of effectiveness. IP Indian J Neurosci 2020;6(1):35-40
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